The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has confirmed that the new Mobile Number portability rules which were planned to go live from Nov 11, 2019, will be delayed. The supposed new rules would bring the porting process to a few days. To be precise, the plan was to cut down the current porting delay of 7 days to 2 days.
Earlier, the authority has informed that the subscribers who wish to port their number won’t be receiving any porting code. The planned was a no service period during this day and a complete transformation. However, the body has announced that there will be a delay for the time being. It is not clear when is the new planned schedule.
So this means that the user can request the normal porting code as earlier during this period. Once the changes have been implemented, it would be very faster for a customer to change the current provider.
The change in the operator can be easily detected using the Mobile Operator Check API. This gives the latest information about the operator and circle even for a ported number. This will give information about the current provider circle status for the mobile number. Along with this API, roffer API helps the customer to choose the latest best offer plan for the user. This can be used to find special offers for the customer.
Currently, in an official communication, TRAI has announced that “The porting of mobile numbers will, therefore, continue in accordance with the existing MNP process and will not be affected during 4th to 10th November 2019”. It’s been due to a delay in the telecom operator’s side for the implementation.
At this point, it is not clear that when the above new MNP rules will be implemented, but for the time being, all the porting requests will be handled according to the existing guidelines.